Last Monday, we submitted our first studio project.It is a minor task which consist "only" 15% of overall studio's mark.
The task: Form finding based on 3 chosen parameters on the given site.( MUST using rhino software and laser cutter...).Oh also this is a group work(2-3 person/group)
Hmm ok then, nothing to say much. So well, here now i'm posting almost of the outcomes from our studio. Enjoy!
Haaaaa. guess which one is ours? kita lihat sapa yg kene :P
qil and sara being independent
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
perjalanan yang menusuk kalbu :P
Okay, cerita yang kiterang ni baru upload ni sgt lah lama dah berlaku. Lebih kurang sebulan lepas dah. Tapi tak kira tak kira nak cerita gak. :P
Camni alkisahnye……………. *bunyi drum*
Ada lah dlm suatu weekend dlm bulan lepas kiterang gi Hobart. Hobart ni kira adalah Bandar yang paling besar lah kat Tasmania ni. Tahap kebesaran? Hmmm lagi kecik dari KL pastinye. Lebih kurang Bandar taiping je kot. Ni adalah spontaneous trip dimana disebabkan mak dan auntie haziqah(housemate ktrg ni) nak pergi melawat bndar tersebut before balik Malaysia which is keesokkan harinya. So kiterang pun join sekaki lah.
N Oh ye! Trip ini juga bertujuan untuk mengetest tahap kepoweran enjin kereta yg ktrg baru beli. Kereta ni kiterang beli 800aud je. Bila convert dalam RM2500 je. Mana nak dpt kan kereta harga cenggini kat Malaysia. Bak kata org kat sini , jika mahu try enjin sila lah bawak ke Hobart. If balik dgn selamat, oklah enjinye. Lalu kiterang pun ikut la saranan ini……
Perjalanan ke Hobart menagambil masa dalam 2 jam 30 minit. Maintain hadlaju 110k/h je. Kat sini takut gila bawak laju2. Sebab saman 300aud sekali kesalahan. Kiterang sampai kat sana dlm pukul 12 which is quite late(gara-gara sibuk nak masak nasik goreng utk bekal) n First tempat yg kiterang gi dulu ialah Hobart waterfront. Ade lah kapal2 and restoran makanan laut kat sini. Lepas jalan2 kat situ kiterang pun pergi jalan2 kat city di sebelahnye. Tak byk pun persinggahan since kiterang xde budget for shopping pun. So kiterang just gi jalan2 kat taman- taman dan kawasan-kawasan sekitar yg free admission. Haha
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Hobart waterfront |
Lebih kurang pukul 5 , bergegaslah kiterang mencari-cari masjid utk jama’.. n nasib baik kat google map ade indicate mana masjid tu. Bila sampai kat masjid tu kiterang try masuk. Tapi semua pintu depan terkunci. And then kiterang pun jalan pusing-pusing kat masjid tu and jumpe lagi satu pintu. Tadaaaa pintu belakang tu boleh bukak. Tanpa ragu-ragu kiterang pun masuk………
Kring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (lebih krg lah bunyi siren tu)
Maka berbunyila siren bangunan tu. Dan kiterang mstilah terkejut. Tapi dengan relax nye jalan slow-slow( buat muka tak bersalah) gi ke bangunan sebelah mintak bantuan.haha. nasib baik macam ade pusat rawatan ape ntah, staff dia org local sgt sgt baik tolong kiterang dgn menelefon imam masjid. n imam tu pun bagi la password utk bg shut-off the siren. lega gilaaaaa. Kuat gila kot bunyi siren. terasa macam satu kawasan perumahan leh dengar.
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left-hobart mosque right-hobart city |
Lepas solat, melihatkan jam yg hampir pukul 6 dan mengenangkan betapa byk lagi tempat yg kiterang x sempat pergi lagi, so kiterang dicide utk bermalam di Bandar Hobart and wondering if kiterang leh stay tido kat masjid ni. Tiada bekalan baju, toiletries dan etc etc. gamble-gamble je.Bila kiterang nak keluar dri masjid tu, tetiba ade 2 pakcik ni yang claim diri dorang sebagai security. Drg kata if alarm masjid tu berbunyi, its will automatically alert ape system lah kat rumah dorang.pastu drg Tanya ah, kiterang stay Hobart sampai bila. Kiternag pun jawap esoknye baru kiterang balik. And they asked if kiterang ade tempat utk tido. And kiterang ngan jujurnye cakap. Takde. Pastu die offer kiterang tidur kat masjid tu. *gembira* (macam tau-tau je niat kiterang pakcik2 tu).
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nak ke hobart kene lalu bridge. |
Pastu kiterang pun kembali berjalan2. Dan kembali ke masjid tu time isya utk solat berjemaah. (siap bawak masuk dah bekalan makanan masuk utk berkampung kat situ. Tapi.
Tiba-tiba. (time ni sara tgh solat).
Ade srg pakcik lain panggil qil. Dia cakap bgtau die bila kiterang nak keluar sbb die nak lock pintu. Pastu qil cakap la yg kiterang nak stay masjid tu. pastu explain la jugak pasal 2 org pakcik security yg offer tu tapi Pastu dia mcm terkejut. Pastu terus kontek pihak student Malaysia kat situ. Suruh cari sapa2 bagi kitorang tido rumah sapa-sapa student Malaysia kat situ. Sbb die kata bahaya tido kat masjid tu?. Kiterang malu, terharu gila and terasa mcm pelarian. Padahal xkisah pun tido kat mana-mana dlm kereta pun boleh. N boleh je cari resthouse memana tapi pakcik tu sgt2 nak tolong and x terkata ape dah kiterang.
Ok nak di pendekkan cerita, akhirnya kiterang x bermalam pun kat masjid pun. Kiterang akhirnye dihantar ke rumah Malaysian students ni kat area masjid ni. Drg sgt baik!!!! N kiterang tersa lebih malu diberikan hospitality yg sedimikian rupa >.<. n before tido mlm tuade la juga borak2 ngan kakak rumah ni yg membuatkan ktrang faham kenapa takleh tido kat masjid tu… jeng jeng jeng
Pagi keesokan harinye. Kiterang pun bgun awal. And sedikit mengecwakan sebab hari hujan. So kiterang decide utk pergi melawat ke inddor places dulu utk menunggu hujan reda, and tadaaa. Tasmanian art museum n gallery!! Kat sini banyakla juga kiterang tau pasal history and art of Tasmania. Esp the aborigins…. Educational duhhh
Tapi selepas habis melawat, hujan still x reda… so gamble jelah pergi ke Salamanca market. Disini kiterang membeli rain ponco sebagai pelindungan hujan (sebab paying mahal) n smallest pancake in town… kat sini banyak jual cenderamata, barang2 kayu, baju-baju tapi harga nye tak murah pun. So ape boleh buat, jamu mata jelah sambik telan air liuq tahan nafsu shopping.hehe
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rain ponco and salamanca market |
Di Hobart juga terletak nye mount wellington yg dikatakan ade snow, walaupun skrang tgh summer. Namun memnadangkan hujan tak berasa kesian kat kiterang, kiterang decide balik jelah…. So odw blik ke rumah kiterang singgah ke kilang Cadbury. Baru ingat nak borong coklat byk-byk tapi time kiterang bru nak masuk, guard kat situ ckp kilang tu tutup! KECEWA okayyyyyyyyyy. Tapi satu keajaiban terjadi. Guard tu panggil kitrang depan office die n bagi kiterang 1 bar coklat setiap sorang . weeeeeeeeeee. Baik gila. Muka yg hampa terus tersenyum. Eceh.
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muka bahagia dapat choc |
Lalu Kami terus pulang ke rumah.. dgn perasaan terharu dan bersyukur.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Cataract Gorge
On 17th February 2011, we went to Cataract Gorge Reserve with haziqah and her family together with azim and kak asma. Cataract Gorge is the nearest reserve to Launceston which is nearby Travellyn. The place has breath-taking scenery with the river across the reserve and a wonderful greenery.. visitors can take chairlift to view the reserve from the top. There is also a swimming pool for the public. This place is a perfect place for picnic.
We walked around the reserve and climbed up several viewpoints to capture photos. Half way walking, some of us took the chairlift heading back to the entrance.. but we kept walking..
We saw a wallaby standing statically under the tree. We took his photo and kept walking.. Then we cross the river via a bridge and arrived and the entrance.. we met haziqah’s family back and started looking for a place to picnic..
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
student ID card
sara: seperti biasa gorgeous *dah pandai pose* haha
qil: macam pesalah lalu lintas
ziqah: senyum-senyum blur
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
buang masa gi taman okay.
We went to the city yesterday afternoon, and we drop off little while at Launceston City park for breath-taking walking.
Memandangkan Park ni kecik je.. ni lah hasilnya yang kiterang buat.... haha
ok, post sekadar nak update skit. hihi. oh btw header blog ni kiterang capture kat taman ni gak. tp ade lah super2 impose sket. hehe. so ok then, wassalam.
Departure and Transit
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In front of Melbourne's Library |
On 7th February 2011 we departed to Melbourne from Malaysia at 1.30pm. We arrived in Melbourne International Airport at 12.30 am the next day after 8hours flight. We were fetched by Kakak-kakaks (sorry! We forget your names =.=), who they are the university of Melbourne’s students. They have been staying for several years in Oz. We stayed 2 nights at their house without any payment, or in other words, free lah! Hihi <3.. :D. One of the Kakaks, Kak sufia also spent half of the day guiding us around Melbourne CBD, Melbourne Library, Queen Victoria park.. and also Uni of Melbourne campus.. They are so kind n lovely.. love ‘em so much!! (^^)..
In the afternoon.. we met wani n kak not from Geelong.. they brought us to several restaurants in Melbourne.. There are lots of Halal restaurants in Melbourne but in the end we have our lunch at Nasi Lemak Restaurant. After that we took our dessert at ‘Il Dolce Freddo’. The ice creams are awesome!! Craving for roche n mango ice cream!! Slurp.. *meleleh air liuq*
We took tram to DFO (Direct Factory Outlet) which is a mall that sells branded products at low price.. u can find adidas..nike.. and many branded boutiques.. but but, when we arrived, most of the shops were already closed. T_T. We didn’t know that the shops here closed at 6pm.
We took our dinner at Nando’s restaurant.. it’s halal.. hee.. sedap gile.. (kat sini semua bende jadi sedap) nak lg.. hee.. then wani n kak not treated us with sort of ice cream waffle from Harajuku.. sedap2 lagi.. hee.. thanks wani n kak not.. :D
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wani,ziqah and kak not! |
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bridge at Yarra river, Melbourne |
We were so tired after a day touring Melbourne..haha.. We arrived at home at 10pm and have a good rest for the next journey.
The next morning, we took flights to Launceston,Tasmania at 8.15 am. We arrived in Launceston airport 45minutes after boarding. We were fetched by a Chinese guy who is graduated student, who currently works as UTAS’s driver. In the car along the way to azim’s house(our senior here), we talked about Tasmania, and he was proudly promoted how good and cheap Tasmanian Red wine haha. Here the conversation (lebih kurang ah) :
The guy: ‘Here you can find the cheap and qualitiy red wines than any other city in Oz’
Sara: ‘oh. But we don’t drink red wine..’
The guy: ‘why not? Red wine is good for your health.’
(we were spontaneously laughing)
The guy: ‘why are you both laughing?’
Sara: sorry, it’s just we can’t drink red wine..
The guy: ‘Oh!! Sorry its culture things right? Hahaha my bad my bad. Sorry hahaha
Kiterang: ‘its okay’. ..
So and then, we arrived at azim’s house. Kak Asma who is his wife greeted us and served us with nasi lemak n fried chicken for lunch.. sedap! Again. .hahaha.. 2nd nasi lemak in OZ.. hehe..
Then we were sent to kak liza’s (a Malaysian PHD students who went back to Malaysia now) house which is the house that we are currently live (tumpang) until we get our permanent house…. Which we don’t know when…
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